Drink Your Fandom

New + Notes

New stuff online and offline!

New stuff online and offline!

We’ve only sold these sets at con, never online. But now they’re available on our website! The Non-Caff set, Four Nations set, Blue Box set, and Magic House set are a great and easy way to sample some new flavors and perfect little gifts.

The Magic House set is limited stock of 50-ish pieces though. We’ve discontinued Potion of Ambition so the last of the tasters are in the set and we will not be able to make more sets.


Also, we’re opening our showroom for the season! Starting Small Business Saturday, Sat Nov 25, you can come and visit our office in Woburn, MA and do a little shopping. Plus, take advantage of some clearance merch and deals you can only get in person!

#teagifts #tea #showroom #store #seasonal #tardis #ATLA #noncaffeine #teasamples #gifts #teaandabsinthe #newitems #littlegifts

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